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How to get 95% marks in CBSE board examination 2023

  CBSE  Board Examination 2023. Class - 10 , English 

    Tips to Get 95% MARKS in CBSE  Board             Examination 
My dear students, how can we get 95% marks in our subject s especially for the examination which is conducted by CBSE board in 2023. It is quite possible students if you prepare a strategy for your examination which will be held in 2023 by CBSE board

So ,let's plan about this examination. Today I would like to share my ideas about marks scoring in English subject.
If you analyse the latest information from the CBSE board website ,you will find that poets name and poetry  will give you around 5 marks in your examination .It is possible that some questions will be asked about the name of poets or the poem name, I mean the poet name will be given and you have to write the name of  the poet.
In such a situation, you must learn all the poems with the names of the poets.  For example,The Lake Isle Of  Innisfree ,written by W B Yeats 
      On the basis of these two facts, I mean the name of poet and belonging to his poem maybe useful for you when you are going to answer the questions which are based  on the extracts. I mean some lines which were taken from the poem. It means you will be able to write the answers which are based on the given line of the poem for explanation .

         As you know student, a student can be categorised in second division , he can be missed by only one number. It means a student can miss his first division only by one mark or it may be possible that the other student can be pushed  in 3rd division because he did not score one mark ,only one mark , for the second division because his  45% marks is left by 1 mark. So you must try to score the marks which you can score and a single mark I mean one number is very valuable for your division and for your whole career students, and its golden chance to labour hard because your full life  is going to take shape  and it will determine your golden future.


I don't want to pressurize you for learning or remembering all these names I mean the poets' name and the poems name because I know you don't want to learn. No problem students , you must write a chart 
 in which , you should include all the names of the poems with their respective poets name and this chart  should be pasted  on the wall where you are sleeping and your eyes  will look at themselves I mean you can look at the chart daily.You   have to learn students.So,  don't forget to look at the chart.
     This way you can learn the chart   yourself,without any problem because you are having a quick  glance on the chart, early in the morning when you are rising  and the time of  sleeping .
     Same process can be done for the prose section I mean stories etc. In other words, we can say, you can learn all the chapters with the help of this strategy and this is the strategy that ensures you to provide more than 5 marks in your board examination which is held with the help of CBSE board.

Now it's time to have a good clans on this chart with the help of your phone or laptop so that you will be confident to get  more than 5 marks with the help of this strategy.
   Let's have a quick glance  on the chart :

According to the syllabus of 2023 CBSE board  , the above boxes of contents will give you at least 5 to 15 marks  ,which is given by board I mean CBSE board.

Because it will help you to write the answers which are based on extracts from the lessons apart from this it will help you to solve the question answers which are short or long.
      So,you must learn  the above boxes by heart.


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